Passive House Design - New Builds

Passive House Design - New Builds

Passive House is considered the most rigorous voluntary energy-based standard in the design and construction industry today.

Consuming up to 90% less heating and cooling energy than conventional buildings, and applicable to almost any building type or design, the Passive House high-performance building standard is the only internationally recognized, proven, science-based energy standard in construction delivering this level of performance. Fundamental to the energy efficiency of these buildings, the following five principles are central to Passive House design and construction: 1) superinsulated envelopes, 2) airtight construction, 3) high-performance glazing, 4) thermal-bridge-free detailing, and 5) heat recovery ventilation.

All these key principles are linked to and impact each other in the design. No one principle can be neglected without having a negative impact on the rest. To effectively create a Passive House building, the design should be looked at holistically to incorporate all five design principles.