Eco House, Dunkirk, France

This timber frame prefabricated house was built twice in 2008, once at Eco Build (Earls Court) and in Dunkirk, France. Anna worked on developing the zero carbon system, with detailed drawings and extensive input into creating a kit house at an affordable cost. Much emphasis was put on how the system could be erected in minimum time with maximum efficiency and quality. To achieve this, collaboration with suppliers and construction workers was essential throughout the design. Worked on for ZEDFactory Ltd.

View Eco House - Bespoke ceiling bricks for added thermal mass
Eco House - Bespoke ceiling bricks for added thermal mass
View Eco House - Heavy floor paviours for thermal mass
Eco House - Heavy floor paviours for thermal mass
View Eco House - Timber frame construction exposed
Eco House - Timber frame construction exposed
View Eco House interior photograph
Eco House interior photograph
View Eco House on display at Eco Build
Eco House on display at Eco Build
View Eco House, Dunkirk, France
Eco House, Dunkirk, France
View Exterior photograph of Eco House
Exterior photograph of Eco House
View Interior of Eco House showing timber frame
Interior of Eco House showing timber frame
View Internal photograph of Eco-House
Internal photograph of Eco-House
View Photo of the completed Eco House
Photo of the completed Eco House
View Photograph of sun room
Photograph of sun room
View Plan and elevation of Eco-House
Plan and elevation of Eco-House
View Prefabricated eco house - exploded diagram
Prefabricated eco house - exploded diagram
View Prefabricated eco house - exploded diagram
Prefabricated eco house - exploded diagram
View Recycled kitchen in Eco House interior
Recycled kitchen in Eco House interior
View Wood pellet stove in Eco House
Wood pellet stove in Eco House